Monday, July 19, 2010

3 months...

His little hammy hocks that we love!

Preston is finally coming into his own. I can actually say now, that I think he enjoys being out here more than on the inside. He has settled in a schedule that seems to work well for him, I am able to recognize his hungry/sleepy/bored/etc signs much better now, and I feel like together, we are kind of doing a dance. For the most part our days are filled with naps, tummy time, reading, playing on the floor, and watching me do household chores, or running errands. He recently started napping (THANK GOD) and has become a different child. I feel like I should have focused more on his napping earlier but I figured he would schedule himself. I guess like feed on demand, I thought he would nap when he wanted. He is smiling all of the time and is generally a very happy baby. As I write this, I know I am going to knock on all of the wood in the house. This turn around occurred a day after his 3 month birthday, so hopefully it is the real deal.


He had his first doctor's appointment in America for his 2 month checkup...We are a little behind, but will be caught up, once we leave again. His pediatrician is so nice and everything is normal...Even his small head. :).
Weight: 70%-14 pounds 9 ounces

Height: 80%- 25 inches long

Clothes: He can still fit into some of his 3 month clothes, but is pretty much wearing 3-6 month.
Top 10 at 3 months....

1. He found his hands...He loves trying to get his whole fist in his mouth. I am afraid he will succeed in the near future.

2. He is napping....BIG MILESTONE....He is now taking two naps a day for around 4 hours total. Before he slept for 20 minutes, fed for 20 minutes, fussed for an hour, fed for 20 minutes, slept for 20 minutes, and fussed for an hour, everyday, every 2 hours. It was hard. THE SWING HAS SAVED US!!!

3. Loves the water. He loves to splash in his tub at bath time and loves being in the pool.

4. Wants to sit up so bad. Reclining is no longer doing it for him. He puts his elbows down and tries to push up off of them into a sitting up position.

5. Chews on his tongue and drools like a St. Bernard.

6.Has added Take Me Out to the Ballgame and The Wheels on the Bus to his list of favorites.

7. Has a specific cry for "hold me" and "I am bored."

8. Can actually play with his toys now. He loves his floor gym..Thanks Sarah!

9. Has a bedtime routine of walk, bath, eat, and nigh-night. Lights out vary from 8pm to 9:30pm.

10. Has transitioned from our bed at the beginning of the night to his cradle. After he eats, he stays with us...Mommy is too lazy and falls asleep before he is even done!

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