Sunday, October 25, 2009

16 weeks!

Officially 4 months. For some reason, 4 months means I really am pregnant. 3 months still meant first trimester to me; 4 months is definitely pregnant. I am feeling good, just like I did in the first trimester, except for the headaches; however, I am now pretty sure they are related to my eyes and not the hormones. The baby (he/she) is about the size of an avocado, YUM! Here is my first blog belly shot! I am nervous for what is to come. I appreciate my jeans more each day.....

PS. Kohls has the lowest priced baby clothes ever!! Yes, I, for sure, have enough clothes to last me the first 6 weeks in Japan....Then I guess more shopping will ensue :)......

PPS. Oh and I just read a research article stating that pregnant women, who eat hot dogs once a week or more during pregnancy increase their chances by 50% of having a child, who will develop brain tumors in childhood.....Almost had a heart attack, as I was on my way to microwave my third hot dog, this week... I thought as long as they were thoroughly cooked they were fine. is all about the nitrates and nitrites! Hmmmm.....I am going to have to do some careful planning in the upcoming weeks regarding my trips to the Target food court for lunch. Sick, I know...