Monday, August 16, 2010


David and I woke up this morning and decided that something has to change regarding P's sleep habits...He is sleeping less and less at night and is still struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep at night and during the day. There was a time when we put him down at 9pm and would not hear from him until 2am....He started the night in his cradle and would sleep with us after the 2am feeding..Oh how I long for those days....These days he is waking up 2-3 times before he is out for a 2 hour stretch...Nursing was our clutch move when he wouldn't sleep or on the days that he cried forever...Now, he needs it....Note to self: never nurse a baby to sleep ever again.....Today was the first time in months and yes, he is only 4 months old, that he fell asleep in our arms instead of nursing...and did not wake up 10 and 20 minutes after he put him down to nurse back to sleep...Our goal is to put him down awake/sleepy and have him fall asleep on his own...Basically, move from nursing to arms to cradle.....This may take a while!  Then...on to his eating schedule...every 2 hours 24/7 is not cutting it anymore..He is a big, big boy...I think he can go a little longer.


  1. Ohhh, good luck with the new schedule! Changing things up is always so hard! Soon he will be eating food, and will be full and happy for hours, and sleepy!! You are soon to see much eaiser days (and nights) I promise :) I LOVE YOUR BLOG BTW!!

  2. please bring sleeping w/out tears when you come tomorrow. xo.
