Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time flies..

I have not posted in one whole month..Shame on me! This is the longest that I have gone not posting..It makes me sad. We have had so many tears and so many laughs that I hate not documenting it all. It just gets overwhelming, which is the story of my life. Moving about in a state of constant overwhelmedness/panic....I will be so happy on December 16th, when I graduate....I have never experienced anything so difficult/stressful/time-sucking/headache inducing. It really is amazing what they can pack into one year...really, really amazing and they have left NOTHING out. I am still enjoying it though, which seems surprising with how often I cry :). I love learning about how the body works and what to look for in certain disorders. It is just so crazy how the body works. We do everything and I love it! This last week I actually had to care for two patients, which was a big jump from one patient. There is definitely a lot of time management that occurs in order to be successful. Tomorrow I am headed to the OR for the day. WHOO HOOO!

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