Monday, February 8, 2010


First off, we all had a good laugh this weekend at David's expense. When I say "WE" let me clarify, who that includes: me, Megan, Dana, and all of the fans. Yes, the fans were present, when David graced us with his "nakedness". Dana, Megan, and I rode with two fans to the away game on Sunday. They wanted to wait by the bus for the players to see them off. We never do this because 1. we don't really care and 2. its really, really cold outside. So...we were randomly waiting by the bus when we see people inside the building next to us moving around near the window. Everyone starts looking and wondering if it is a player or a reporter or whoever. All of a sudden we realize that it is David (the Japanese players are not as tall as him, and the other guys who played, who would be changing, are African American), so we confirm that it is him. No worries at this point...Then he starts changing in front of the so-called "frosted" window. We can't see anything at first then he takes his underwear off and turns around, so basically he mooned everyone. All of the fans are dying, I am dying, and Megan and Dana are dying for me and David. They started laughing and pointing and looking at me. Let's just say I am SOOOO happy he didn't turn the other way.....When he came out of the building to get on the bus, everyone started laughing and making noises at him. It was hilarious.

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