Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

Also, I wanted to comment on the movie "The Time Traveler's Wife". I read this book about 3 years ago and LOVED IT!!!! I was so excited that the movie was coming out and I wanted to go see it. Of course, as soon as I got on the flight, I checked to see what movies were playing, and this one was one of them. I was soooo excited!!! I got comfortable, apparently really comfortable, you know those two spacious seats that I got, instead of one and fell asleep within 20 minutes. Not a good sign, but hey, I am flying and I will sleep when I can. I figured I would catch it the next time it came on. The flight IS 12 hours long. I will have plenty of opportunities. The next time it came one I was all jazzed and started watching it and bamn...fell asleep again about half of the way through. Now, everyone knows that I am not a movie person. If I am watching a movie past 9pm, I will fall asleep guaranteed. Even at theaters. However, it was in the middle of the day for me and I am falling asleep in one of the most uncomfortable sleeping positions possible to man kind. I am now certain after my second attempt, that this movie sucks! Please don't let the movie guide you away from reading the book! The book was wonderful! On my last flight, I watched 3 movies and stayed awake the whole time. "My Sister's Keeper" was an amazing movie and I heard that it was great book. Go see that instead!