Wednesday, March 28, 2012

30 weeks...

30 Weeks with P

Top 10 at 30 weeks...(thanks for the idea, Sarah)

1. Large and in charge....Belly is growing by the minute, literally.
2. Chronic tail bone pain has reared its ugly head after falling off the end of a slide...Note to self: No more slides...How can I say no? I can't. All I know is that once I have normal insurance I am getting my booty x-rayed. I can't live like this any longer!
2. Mostly wearing maternity jeans. I still rock the belly band but find it uncomfortable and inconvenient and I hate worrying if people can see my zipper now that I am chasing after a very active, non-listening toddler.
3. Am still sleeping on my back very comfortably. I do sleep on my sides but my hips get sore.
4. Have been trying to run & run/walk about 2.5 miles 3 times a week. Am so proud of myself.
5. Weight gain is currently at 15 pounds.
6. The little peanut is finally starting to wake-up a bit. She is not a mover and shaker like P was and we have not had one bout of hiccups yet, which he had constantly in utero and out of utero.
7. Baby is measuring large, which means nothing because the ultrasounds are really inaccurate. Her length puts her 3 weeks ahead,while her weight only puts her one week ahead..And, of course, her head is her smallest part in proportion to the other measurements, just like Preston's was. Better for me. Her weight puts her a week ahead.
8. Preston has yet to realize or make any notice of my belly or the baby. We do talk about it with him but he has no idea. If he has even noticed my belly, he has not acted like it at ALL. We have put diapers on his stuffed animals (I even did this before I was preggo just for laughs) and he doesn't like it. He wants them off.
9. The stairs to this apartment are going to kill me. It is easier for me to run 2.5 miles without walking right now then walk up the 3 flights of stairs carrying Preston...Sometimes I have to just stop at the top and wait a second..I feel like an ogre. I need a chair lift or even better, an elevator.
10. We are starting the 10 week count down!!! I am getting excited...And, like I said....I am calling it A GIRL! 3 reasons: 1) Timing that I don't need to discuss on here, 2) Feel like I am carrying a bit different this time, 3) I think I saw a vajayjay on the ultrasound machine.

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