Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My hospital...

I L.O.V.E. my hospital. Last time, I researched every little thing about the hospital that I delivered at. This time not so much! This time I read a couple of websites and just went, no questions asked, which was very different than last time. Last time, I emailed about 75 questions to a man, who worked there, who spoke English. He took my questions and asked the head OB nurse for answers. Then he emailed me back. This time I asked no questions until last week, which is totally not my style. I think I had such an amazing time last time that my expectations are set that all Japanese hospitals will be the same, which I know, is not the case. I finally got around to asking some questions at my last visit and my doctor answered all of them perfectly. The hospital is soooo liberal; it really is perfect for me. He said my mom AND David could be in the delivery room AND my mom could hold Preston, if we wanted him there. Then he went on to talk about the bonding between the siblings that happens, but I had already stopped listening and was already thinking how happy I am that I am delivering here again. The baby can co-sleep and David can even stay the night with me. I am pretty sure Preston can too, if we have a private room. Their C-section rate is incredibly low and they do horizontal incisions, not vertical. Lastly, my doctor started talking about current research showing that tearing is better than having an episiotomy and I almost jumped off the table and yelled AAAMMMEEENNNN!! ha ha ha! I know I seem psycho (just ask all my friends who are having kids right now) but this whole matter is near and dear to my heart, so good intentions are not enough for me...Good practice is. I think that I found the best fit for me in Okinawa, aside from having a midwife deliver this baby at home in a birthing tub :)...AND, how could I not love my doctor? He has only made one comment about my weight and it did not have a negative tone to it at all..AND, he came to one of David's basketball games and is in love with him....AND, he is from Northern California...He is totally American! He reminds me of Preston's pediatrician (Willy), but is an OB/GYN.

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